Supercharge Your Store with a PIM for Ecommerce

A PIM (Product Information Management) System helps you consolidate, enrich, orchestrate and publish your product information wherever customers touch your brand. It offers additional functionality to your current ecommerce platform (BigCommerce, Salesforce CommerceCloud, Shopify, Magento etc) through next-level product structures, categorization, data filtering, optimization and much more.

If you’re not using a PIM for ecommerce and are relying solely on your ecommerce platform, you could be missing out. A PIM allows you to easily connect to your extended ecommerce ecosystem; sales & marketing channels, marketplaces, additional ecommerce sites, business systems and much more. As the single source of truth for product information, inventory and stock levels, your PIM System ensures data consistency, prevents stock-outs and oversells, and helps your products be found with enhanced SEO capabilities.

81% of consumers said better fit technology and size guides would help reduce the amount they return

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What Additional Functionality Can a PIM System Bring to my Ecommerce Store?

If you’re currently using your ecommerce platform as your PIM, you’re missing out. While Magento, BigCommerce, Shopify and others are fantastic systems, a PIM system can help you make the most of your platform and extend its capabilities. Additional functionality a PIM system can bring to your store can include:

Enhanced Product Enrichment

Supercharged SEO

More Cross Sell & Upsell

Robust Distributed OMS

Universal Inventory

Sell Anywhere & Everywhere

Enhanced Product Enrichment

List products using highly complex product models to help your products get found. Attach enriched product content, descriptive product data, imagery, videos, reviews and more. Check out how product content can help you convert here >>

Supercharged SEO

Use advanced and additional product attributes, meta descriptions, meta titles, and more to increase discoverability. Give your products the best possible chance to be found with tailored content for each sales channel.

More Cross Sell & Upsell

Grouped products, product kits and related products can help increase basket size and average order value. 49% of consumers have spent more than they intended on at least one purchase as a result of cross-selling or being recommended a complementary product, leading to $5bn in additional sales annually for the retail industry!

Robust Distributed Order Management System

Manage orders from all sales channels in one place. Employ intelligent fulfillment rules to send orders to the best location for fulfillment, based on business priorities.

Universal Inventory

Centralize inventory across all your sales channels to automate fulfillment from any location and prevent sell-outs. Limit distressed stock by ensuring everything is available for sale, no matter where it’s located.

Sell Anywhere & Everywhere

A PIM for ecommerce supports multi-store, multi-language and multi-currency, meaning you can sell globally with ease.


Like to learn more about PIM Software? Download our free eBook: An Introduction to PIM

An introduction to Product Information Management